Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Paper Bag Characters Project

Paper Bag Characters

Character: _______________________________

For this assignment, you will need to choose a character from your text. Be sure to choose a rich, memorable character – it will make it easier to complete your assignment. You will need a paper bag to complete this assignment.

This assignment has several components:

o On the front panel of your paper bag, draw a picture of your character. You may wish to draw the picture on another piece of paper and then glue it onto the bag.

o On one of the side panels, write about your character’s likes and dislikes. Include a bulleted list for each and use supporting evidence from the text.

o On the other side panel, write about how other characters in the text react and interact with your character. Again, don’t forget to use supporting evidence from the text.

o On the back panel, explain how your character changed throughout the text. What was your character like at the beginning of the text? At the end? Why did your character change? Include supporting evidence from the text.

o Inside your bag, include at least 3 items that you would associate with your character. Be prepared to explain and defend your choices in the oral presentation.

o Oral Presentation – You will be asked to orally present your assignment. In your assignment, explain who your character is and what text he or she is from. Briefly explain your information on the two side panels and back panel (DO NOT READ your information – just give us a quick summary.) Show us the items you put in your bag. Explain why you chose these items and why they are important to your character. You may DRESS as your character for this presentation.

o ASSIGNMENT DUE DATE: October 31, 2012!!!!

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