Monday, August 9, 2010

Welcome Back!!!

We are so excited about the new school year and look forward to a wonderful year of learning and growing at Sutton! A few reminders as we begin the year: 3rd grade students report to the gym each morning and can go to breakfast from there. Do NOT wait on your friends to go to breakfast. Your teacher will meet you in the gym at 7:55 and walk you to class. The tardy bell rings at 8:05. Lunch times are as follows: McFarland 11:50 - 12:15, Neal 11:55 - 12:20, Olssen 12:00 - 12:25. Our specials (PE, music, computer, library) take place from 1:45-2:45 Monday through Thursday and from 10:45 - 11:15 on Friday - don't forget to wear tennis shoes on the days you have PE, you will not be allowed to change shoes. 3rd grade walkers and car riders will be dismissed at 2:55 to help alleviate some of the congestion that occurs at both the front and back doors.

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