Friday, November 20, 2009

Thomas Edison Millionaire Game (click here)

Third Graders can try this game also to review ideas on Thomas Edison.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Biography Report UPDATE

In reading, we will be jumping right into learning how to take notes the Monday after Thanksgiving. I will model for students what they need using Thomas Edison. The students will be allowed to use notecards during their speech, so memorization of material is not necessary. I would like to be ready to present these the week of December 7th, keeping flexibility in mind of course. A note will be sent home that first week after I see how things progress.
Mrs. Neal

Thomas Edison Jeopardy

Third grade students have just finished reading the biography on Thomas Edison. Test your knowledge to find out if you know more than your third grader about this famous inventor! CHANGE OF PLANS: I will be giving a quiz on Thomas Edison on Monday.

Adventure Island Social Studies Game

Copy and paste this link into your address bar, play the game, and earn bonus points in social studies class! At the end of the game, you earn tips based on how well you found specific points on the map. Write the amount of tips earned into your planner, have a parent/guardian initial it, and show it to your teacher - it's that simple. Five points will be added to a social studies assignment.